The Importance of Reproductive Health For Stud Dogs and Breeding Bitches
Rogue set out to validate existing animal research and provide further measurable data that Origins 5in1 is the best supplement for breeding dogs. Rogue's approach to improving the total health of dogs and cats is through improving overall gut health. We worked with a group of veterinarian professionals who wanted to see greater impacts to gut hormones and reproduction factors in dogs given their link to the GI tract when Origins 5in1 was added to the dogs' diets.
The studies, as well as our customers' testimonials, show that Origins 5in1 is the best supplement for breeding dogs and puppies. We have seen truly exciting results such as improving AMH in intact females, improving semen count and quality in male stud dogs, and stronger and healthier pups. The Rogue Team will continue to develop our breeder program and offer breeders special pricing and programs.
Breeding Females
- Improved female reproduction rates
- Longer breeding life span & potential
- More consistent ovulation cycles
- Safe for pregnant & nursing mothers
Stud Dogs
- Improved male reproduction scores
- Improved semen quality
- Longer breeding life span & potential
- Lean mass gains
- Stronger & healthier pups
- Increased litter size
- Better growth rate for puppies

Female Reproduction Improvements with Origins Canine 5in1 Supplement
Female canine reproduction value, like other mammals, is most commonly measured through Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)1,2. Ever hear of AMH? Probably not. AMH is rarely talked about in dogs and cats and is a prime example of the knowledge gap facing pet owners. AMH is highly conserved across many mammalian species3 and is a useful biomarker used in the dairy, beef, and equine reproduction fields. AMH can provide additional service as an early indicator for tumors and cysts if AMH levels are extremely high. This also holds true for male dogs and horse studs5,6.
Why does this matter? AMH for each female is at its peak once reproductive maturity is reached. So, the younger an animal is the higher the AMH level, for that specific animal, will be. As a female animal ages the level of AMH will decrease naturally, but diet and health factors can also reduce the reduction of that AMH signal.

(A total of 5 females were included in this open clinical study conducted at Dogwood Animal Clinic. Of the 5 females, only two were intact. Age ranges were 0.4, 1, 2, 4, and 10yrs)
WHAT DID WE SEE? Of the 5 female canines in this field improvement study, 2 of the females were intact and are the only participants that registered AMH levels when originally tested. AMH signal is only produced by unfertilized eggs, validating why only the two dogs with intact reproduction tracts had a measurable level of AMH circulating in their body.
As you can see from the above chart, Origins 5in1 is shown to increase AMH levels in breeding females. In this case, having an impact on the unfertilized eggs which has a direct impact on the AMH levels in circulating blood. It is clear that Origins is the best supplement for breeding dogs.
This scenario plays out when planned breeding doesn’t work, even when additional progesterone testing and surgical methods have been applied. Operations Managers make real decisions based on AMH levels for the breeding potential of animals, viability potential for artificial breeding practices, and when an animal should be retired from breeding altogether 3,4, 5, 6. Both dairy and racehorse programs make million-dollar buying/selling decisions around this breeding factor, so it’s kinda a big deal!
What does the rise in AMH level mean for female canines?
- Increased & more consistent heat cycles
- Improved conception rates - natural & artificial
- Longer breeding potential
- Improved litter size
These findings are the first look at AMH levels in canines demonstrating similar responses as in human females. AMH levels range from one female dog to another, as in human to human, thus AMH levels are unique to each animal. Because of this uniqueness, all evaluation changes can only be measured against the same animal, not compared to females of the same species or others. This data also shows this established knowledge in humans to be reflected in canines as well. This data shows for the first time that AMH levels can be improved in female dogs naturally with the inclusion of Origins 5in1! This is an exciting result, showing that Origins is the best supplement for breeding dogs.
Male Reproduction Improvements with Origins Canine 5in1 Supplement

WHAT ABOUT MALE DOGS? Male reproduction has been improved in adult mature males by looking at sperm count and motility scores after just 30 days. Rogue Pet Science has tracked many stud dogs, testing for improvement. Our studies show Origins can take dogs from ratings of good to excellent, which is a much harder improvement than poor to good.
In certain breeds, like the American Bully, we have even seen increased lean body mass in mature dogs in just 30 days along with the improvement in semen scores. When you understand that fertility is a good proxy for health, this makes keeping your dogs on Origins Canine 5in1 all the time is the best approach.
Puppy Health and Development with Origins Canine 5in1 Supplement
WHAT ABOUT PUPPIES? With puppy development, there is a window of development where proper nutrition and support of gut health can play a vital role in maximizing the health and genetic potential of a dog. In production animals, this early supplementation is very established as a way to save money over the life of the animal.
From our breeders who track litter size and puppy size closely, we are seeing and hearing of puppies fed Origins outpacing non-origins pups on development, growing very evenly and avoiding that up then outgrowth that many are used to, and we are also hearing of breeders averaging an additional 1 to 2 pups on a litter. These improvements have been seen in several breeds, from Australian Kelpies to less established breed lines like the American Bully.
Larger litter sizes place more stress on Mom to feed the pups. So many litters have been raised on Origins 5in1 Supplement and for so many it's made all the difference for mom dogs who previously would get very fed down looking caring for their pups. It has also helped nursing moms maintain milk production and bounce back to healthy weights quicker than previously seen.
High-quality nutrition and enhanced digestion mean more calories are absorbed and less waste comes out the other end. Many breeders choose to use Origins Canine 5in1 Supplement to reduce the amount of kibble they are feeding. Many are already feeding to body condition or based on many other factors such as age, workload, and planned showing. Origins can play a role in any of those scenarios and be a powerful tool for maximizing efforts or minimizing waste. FEEDING LESS DOG FOOD MEANS LESS DOG POOP. The more nutrition that goes to your dog means the poop has less nutrition and will attract fewer flies. Dogs on Origins poop quality changes in the first 3 to 5 days with it drying out quicker and resulting in reduced order and better fly control.
Remember, If it’s not adding, it’s subtracting.
The Best Supplement For Breeding Dogs: Origins Canine 5in1
Origins 5in1 Supplement is a whole food, wild fish, food topper. It provides highly digestible nutrition, natural, whole food sourced vitamins, and minerals. Origins add gut health support through a unique ratio of pre-biotics, probiotics, post-biotics, digestive enzymes, and full-spectrum fatty acids. There is no other product proven to do so much to improve the health of dogs.
Here at Rogue Pet Science, our entire goal has been to fix problems such as reproduction health, stress management, and gut health, for all dogs to achieve better total health. We can do this quickly, naturally, and with little cost. We can do this because we believe in being a real solution for all dog owners by putting dog health before money to earn your trust. We invite you to try Origins Canine 5in1 supplement because we truly believe it is the best supplement for dogs on the market. Our products have the first ever 100% No Bull Sh*t Guarantee. The only risk is not seeing your dog thriving at their very best!
1. Walter B. Anti-Müllerian hormone in dogs and cats reproduction [published online ahead of print, 2020 Feb 7]. Reprod Domest Anim. 2020;10.1111/rda.13603. doi:10.1111/rda.13603
2. Walter B, Feulner H, Otzdorff C, Klein R, Reese S, Meyer-Lindenberg A. Changes in anti-Müllerian hormone concentrations in bitches throughout the estrous cycle. Theriogenology. 2019;127:114‐119. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2019.01.007
3. Holst BS. Diagnostic possibilities from a serum sample-Clinical value of new methods within small animal reproduction, with a focus on the anti-Müllerian hormone. Reprod Domest Anim. 2017;52 Suppl 2:303‐309. doi:10.1111/rda.12856
4. Claes AN, Ball BA. Biological Functions and Clinical Applications of Anti-Müllerian Hormone in Stallions and Mares. Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract. 2016;32(3):451‐464. doi:10.1016/j.cveq.2016.07.004
5. Ball BA, El-Sheikh Ali H, Scoggin KE, et al. Relationship between the anti-Müllerian hormone and fertility in the mare. Theriogenology. 2019;125:335‐341. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2018.11.005
6. Mossa F, Jimenez-Krassel F, Scheetz D, Weber-Nielsen M, Evans ACO, Ireland JJ. Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) and fertility management in agricultural species. Reproduction. 2017;154(1):R1‐R11. doi:10.1530/REP-17-0104