Submissive behavior in dogs is a natural form of communication that helps maintain a harmonious social structure within a pack. It's important to understand that displaying such behavior does not necessarily indicate that a dog is weak or fearful. Instead, it is a way of indicating respect and acknowledging the higher position of another individual in the group hierarchy. Recognizing the triggers and types of submissive behavior in dogs can help in effectively managing and addressing this behavior to ensure the emotional well-being of the canine
Different situations and environmental factors can trigger submissive behavior in dogs. Some of the common triggers include the presence of other dogs, meeting new people, or being in unfamiliar surroundings. By comprehending the causes of submissive behavior, pet owners can identify the specific situation or pattern that prompts a dog to display submission and work towards addressing those issues.
Key Takeaways
- Submissive behavior in dogs serves as a natural form of communication to maintain harmony within a group.
- Recognizing triggers and types of submissive behavior helps pet owners understand and address their dog's emotional well-being.
- Identifying specific patterns that provoke submissive behavior allows pet owners to work towards managing and modifying their dog's reactions.
Understanding Submissive Behavior in Dogs
Source and Video Credit: Ridgeside K9 HQ
Submissive behavior in dogs is a way for them to communicate with other dogs, animals, and humans. It is a natural part of their social interactions. Dogs display submissive behaviors to show that they are not a threat and to avoid potential conflicts. It is crucial for dog owners to recognize these signals to understand their pet's emotions and respond accordingly.
One clear sign of submissive behavior is avoiding direct eye contact. When a dog feels threatened or submissive, they may avert their gaze or lower their head to avoid making direct eye contact. It is a way for them to signal that they do not want to challenge or confront the dominant dog or person.
Another common sign of submission in dogs is the positioning of their ears. Flattened ears or ears that are pulled back close to the head indicate that a dog is feeling submissive or fearful. This is different from the relaxed, perky ears of a confident dog.
A dog displaying submissive body language will often adjust its posture to appear smaller. They may crouch down, lower their body to the ground, or lie belly up, exposing their vulnerable underside. This is an indication that the dog is trying to appease the dominant dog or person and seeks to avoid confrontation.
The tail position can also provide insight into a dog's emotional state. A lowered tail or a tucked-in tail is a common sign of submission, signaling to the dominant dog or person that the submissive dog poses no threat. In contrast, a confident dog will typically have its tail held high and wagging gently.
Recognizing submissive behaviors in dogs can help owners understand their pet's emotions and react appropriately. Allow dogs to display these behaviors when needed to maintain a healthy and balanced social dynamic within the household. Building your dog's confidence can make them feel more at ease in different situations, but it is crucial to allow them to express their natural submissive behaviors when necessary.
Triggers of Submissive Behavior
Contextual Triggers
Submissive behavior in dogs can be influenced by certain contextual triggers that they encounter in their daily lives. One such trigger is play, where dogs often display submissive behavior to communicate their intention to play without posing a threat to their playmate. In this context, dogs might roll on their back, exposing their belly, or slightly lower their body posture. This behavior allows them to establish friendly interactions with other dogs.
Another contextual trigger is the presence of dominance or authority figures in a dog's life, such as their owner or other dogs they perceive as dominant. When a submissive dog senses a dominant presence, they perceive a need to submit to avoid conflict. This can be seen through lowered body posture, tucked tail, and avoiding direct eye contact.
Health-Related Triggers
Certain health-related factors may also trigger submissive behavior in dogs, primarily driven by their instinctive response to being in a vulnerable or weak state. Dogs that are in pain or feeling physically unwell may display submissive behavior as a means to signal their vulnerability or to avoid conflict. If your dog suddenly exhibits submissive behaviors that are out of character, it is crucial to consult a veterinarian to help identify any possible health concerns.
Socialization and Environment
The socialization and environment a dog is raised in can significantly impact their submissive behavior. Puppies that have been properly socialized are more likely to develop a sense of confidence in different situations, reducing the likelihood of excessive submissive behavior. In contrast, dogs that have experienced inadequate socialization or trauma during their upbringing are more likely to develop submissive habits as a coping mechanism.
Taking your dog to places like dog parks allows them to socialize with other dogs and learn how to navigate various social interactions confidently. Consistently exposing your dog to positive experiences can help mitigate submissive behavior. However, ensure that your dog feels comfortable, safe, and is never forced into any uncomfortable situations.
In summary, submissive behavior in dogs can be a result of various triggers, including contextual factors, health-related concerns, and socialization. By understanding these triggers and providing proper care and socialization, it is possible to prevent excessive submissive behavior in your dog and help them navigate the world with more confidence and ease.

Types of Submissive Behavior
Dogs display a variety of submissive behaviors to communicate their lower social status or appeasement towards other dogs or humans. Understanding these behaviors can help pet owners better interact with their dogs and identify opportunities for training and socialization. The main types of submissive behaviors include submissive licking, submissive urination, and posture and body language changes.
Submissive Licking
Submissive licking is one of the most common forms of submissive behavior in dogs. This can involve a dog licking their own lips or the muzzle of another dog or human. Licking their lips is often a sign of nervousness or appeasement, while the muzzle licking serves as a signal of submission towards a more dominant individual. This type of behavior is derived from begging for milk or food in puppies and has evolved into a social signal in adult dogs.
Submissive Urination
Submissive urination is another form of submissive behavior in which a dog involuntarily urinates when feeling threatened or intimidated. This can occur during interactions with other dogs or humans, particularly if the dog perceives the individual as dominant. It is important not to confuse this behavior with regular urination or marking territory, as it is a response to social stress. Submissive urination is often seen in puppies but can persist into adulthood if not addressed through training and positive reinforcement.
Posture and Body Language
Dogs also communicate submission through changes in their posture and body language. Some common submissive postures include:
- Rolling over and showing their belly, which exposes their most vulnerable body part and signals trust towards the more dominant individual.
- Grinning or pulling back their lips to show their teeth, which can be mistaken for aggression, but is accompanied by other submissive signals such as a relaxed body and ears back.
- Stiff posture where the dog lowers their head and body, tucks their tail between the legs, and avoids direct eye contact, indicating submission and respect to the dominant figure.
Recognizing these submissive signs can help dog owners establish a stronger bond with their pets, communicate effectively, and address any behavioral issues that may arise. By understanding the intent behind these behaviors, it becomes easier to identify a dog's needs and ensure that they feel secure and comfortable in their environment.
Steps to Modify Submissive Behavior
Positive Reinforcement Training
One effective method to modify submissive behavior in dogs is through the use of positive reinforcement training. This approach involves rewarding desired behaviors with treats, praise, or affection, while ignoring or redirecting unwanted actions. By consistently reinforcing good behaviors, trainers can build a dog's trust in their authority. Over time, this technique can help transform a dog's mindset from submission to mutual respect and understanding.
Increasing Confidence and Trust
Another crucial aspect of modifying submissive behavior is fostering a sense of confidence and trust in the dog. Owners should pay special attention to their dogs and show them love and affection regularly. Consistent, positive interactions can help develop a trusting and respectful bond between the dog and the owner. Confidence-building exercises, such as obedience training and agility courses, may also help reduce submissive behaviors. A dog that trusts its owner and feels confident in its actions will be far more likely to follow commands and exhibit appropriate behavior in various settings.
Proper Socialization
Socialization is a critical aspect of helping dogs overcome submissive behaviors. Dogs that have been well-socialized as puppies often have better coping skills and are more comfortable in new situations. This confidence can lead to the reduction of submissive behaviors seen in some dogs. Dog owners can facilitate proper socialization by:
- Exposing their pets to different environments, such as parks, busy streets, and pet stores
- Encouraging their dogs to meet and interact with other animals and humans in controlled and safe situations
- Enrolling in obedience or dog daycare classes where supervised play and interaction take place
Taking the time to socialize a dog, especially during its early life stages, can significantly contribute to reducing instances of submissive behavior.
In summary, by employing positive reinforcement training, bolstering a dog's confidence and trust in its owner, and providing proper socialization opportunities, owners can modify and reduce submissive behavior in their pets.
Potential Complications of Submissive Behavior
Submissive behavior in dogs is a natural response to various situations, such as interacting with a dominant figure or feeling threatened. However, there might be some potential complications when this behavior becomes excessive or problematic.
One possible complication is the development of aggression. When a dog feels constantly threatened or fearful, it may resort to aggressive actions as a means of self-defense. This can create conflicts and potentially dangerous situations for both the dog and the people around it.
Fear is another potential issue arising from submissive behavior. If a dog is consistently afraid, it can lead to the development of phobias or other anxiety-related issues, such as separation anxiety. This heightened state of anxiety can significantly affect the dog's overall quality of life.
Habits formed due to submissive behavior may become problematic over time. For example, excessive urination or cowering when approached may lead to the dog experiencing social anxiety and reluctance to engage positively with other dogs or people.
In some cases, submissive behavior can be an indicator of abuse. When a dog has been mistreated or subjected to harsh training methods, it may exhibit submissive behaviors in an attempt to avoid further harm. It is crucial for owners and caretakers to be aware of this possibility and treat the underlying cause to improve the dog's well-being.
Avoidance is another potential complication arising from submissive behavior. Dogs that are overly submissive might try to avoid certain situations or triggers that result in fear, possibly leading to missed opportunities for socialization or positive experiences. This avoidance behavior may further enforce their fears, creating a vicious cycle.
In order to improve a dog's submissive behavior and avoid these complications, owners need to build trust and confidence with their pets through positive reinforcement, appropriate socialization, and understanding the dog's needs and limitations.

Submissive Behavior in Dogs - Final Thoughts
Submissive behavior in dogs serves a natural role in maintaining harmony and reinforcing social hierarchy within dog packs or even in households with more than one canine member. This behavior is exhibited through various signs, such as a tucked-in tail, flattened ears, and yielding to a more dominant dog.
A dominant dog who is secure in its position is less likely to display aggressive behavior, allowing for a safer and more stable relationship within the group. Dog owners need to observe and understand these behaviors to ensure appropriate management of their pets.
Incorporating submission into dog training can lead to a harmonious living arrangement and improved communication among the dogs and their owners. By recognizing the signs of submission and responding appropriately, pet owners can support the natural hierarchy of their canine family members, ultimately leading to a more peaceful coexistence.
Understanding submissive behavior in dogs is vital for fostering positive relationships between dogs and ensuring a stable and nurturing environment for all involved. By recognizing the signs and implementing training that respects the natural order, owners can maintain harmony within their canine family and effectively manage their pets.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do dogs attack submissive dogs?
Dogs may attack submissive dogs due to various reasons, such as dominance, resource guarding, or fear. When a dog displays submissive behavior, it can prompt a more dominant dog to assert itself by attacking or displaying aggression. However, this behavior may not always be directed towards submissive dogs specifically but can also be seen towards any dog in the group (source).
Is being too submissive harmful for my dog?
Yes, being too submissive can be harmful to your dog. Excessive submissive behavior may lead to stress, anxiety, and a lower quality of life. It can also make your dog more prone to being bullied or attacked by other dogs, as they may be seen as an easy target.
How can I recognize signs of submission in my dog?
Some common signs of submission in dogs include crouching or lowering the body, rolling over to expose the belly, avoiding eye contact, tucking the tail between the legs, and licking or pawing at the other dog (source). Submissive dogs may display passive submission, such as hiding or avoiding certain situations or other dogs.
How can I help my dog stop exhibiting excessive submissive behavior?
You can help your dog by increasing their confidence through positive reinforcement, training, and socialization with other dogs. Provide a safe and secure environment for your dog to interact with others and gradually expose them to various situations to build their confidence.
Can a submissive dog still be a good protector?
Yes, a submissive dog can still be a good protector. Although they may exhibit submissive behavior towards other dogs, they can still be protective of their family and home. Their protective instincts can be triggered by perceived threats or danger, causing them to act in defense of their owner or property.
Do dogs show submission to humans in the same way they do to other dogs?
Yes, dogs show submission to humans in similar ways as they do to other dogs. They may display signs such as lowering their body, avoiding eye contact, wagging their tail low, or exposing their belly. It's important for owners to recognize these signs and respond appropriately to ensure a healthy and balanced relationship with their dog.